I went for the weekend to Osijek to participate in their Local Training Seminar. For different reasons my motivation to go was really low and I didn’t feel like travelling and going there, but I went and I returned which a huge sense of hope. Hope that things will get better, that people will challenge themselves, hope that they will grow, learn and surprise me, hope that AIESEC in Osijek will succeed and start doing AIESEC:
Then during the week I received the news that one of my best friends who was also part of my Executive Board in Lisboa during my term as President of AIESEC in ISCTE was selected to be Organizing President of a big international conference AIESEC in Portugal will organize next year, EuroCo.
When you are leading people or a team much comes down to this: feeling of hope and pride... Hope that your influence will somehow have a positive impact in those people, hope you are doing something right, hope that they will surprise you, hope that you are managing to take everyone towards the right direction, hope that the next ones after you won't screw your work, hope that those people will become better than you are.
And after that, all that hope becomes happiness if they actually become better than you, if they manage to survive without your guidance and help, if they manage to surprise you, if they manage to be successful. And then you know that something you must have done well and you feel proud because those people are growing.
If there is something I feel after being President in AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE is proud of the individuals I have worked with because they make me smile every day, because they don’t quit, they are making the best out of their AIESEC Experience and because they became literally people I admire. I feel proud not because of me, all that they have achieved was due to their growth and effort, I feel proud because they are live examples of AIESEC’ers, each one of them!
If you are reading this and if you are a team leader I wish you a lot of hope during your term because that will help you to go through it and I wish you to feel proud once you finish, I wish you to see that the people you lead became better than you.